Fab 15 Workout Program

Fab 15 Workout Program

Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$35.00

A planned & progressive program to help you easily implement resistance training workouts that are simple, fun & fabulous. The Fab 15 contains 15 full body workouts, each with 15 exercises that can be done in 15 minutes! This is the perfect program if you are looking for a way to implement (or supplement) strength workouts that will maximize your results in minimal time. Scroll down to learn more!

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What Is It?

The FAB 15 Program is a planned & progressive resistance training PLAN, meaning that these workouts are purposeful and intended to help you maximize results in minimal time.

Each workout is a full-body workout; however, each of the fifteen workouts will focus on a specific muscle group or groups.

Workouts #1, 6 & 11 – Upper Body Push Muscles (Chest & Triceps)

Workouts #2, 7 & 12 - Upper Body Pull Muscles (Upper Back & Biceps)

Workouts #3, 8 & 13 – Lower Body (Booty & Legs)

Workouts #4, 9 & 14 – Shoulders (Deltoids & Upper Traps)

Workouts #5, 10 & 15 – Core (Abs, Oblique’s & Low Back)

Who is it for?

Anyone looking to add resistance training into their workout regime BUT has limited time, resources or is unsure of how to put an effective workout program together.

What equipment will I need to do these workouts?

You will need a pair of dumbbells. I recommend a light pair (3 – 5 lbs) and a heavier pair (8 – 12 lbs).

A yoga mat or towel is also recommended. Some workout will require a bench (if doing at the gym) or a chair (if doing at home).

Finally, you will need a timer for your intervals. A basic timer is fine or you can download an app, such as this one, to your phone.

Is 15-minutes enough?

Absolutely! Current research shows that intensity trumps volume. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a resistance training regimen of only 2 days per week and 1 set per muscle group for health goals. This program meets and exceeds those recommendations.

What if I want to do more than 15 minutes?

Great! Simply repeat the workout once, twice or three times depending on your time limit. (See the Fab 15 Workout Schedule Ideas.)

Why 5 workouts?

First, it creates consistency. Consistency may be the most important factor when it comes to seeing results with an exercise program (or anything for that matter).

Second, it allows us to split the muscle groups up and do a more focused workout, maximizing results in minimal time.

Where can I do these workouts?

Anywhere! At home, at the gym, at the park, at the playground, even in your office at work. You don’t need a lot of space, just a mat, some dumbbells and 15 minutes to spare.

What if I can’t commit to five days per week or what if I miss a day?

That's okay! Do what you can do.

You can also double up the workouts if you need to. For example, you can do workout #1 and #2 back-to-back on the same day. Obviously the workout will be longer but you can still get the same volume of work in within a given week. (See FAB 15 Workout Schedule Ideas.)

Is this a beginners program or is it for people who are already working out?

Both ☺ For many of the exercises I offer ways for beginners to modify and then increase the challenge as you build your strength. You can also adjust the time intervals to provide more or less rest depending on your starting fitness level. Finally, an easy way to progress is to simply increase the amount of resistance (weights) that you use.

What do I do once I complete all 15 workouts?

Simply start back over from the beginning! Or, you can pick and choose which workouts you liked the best and make your own weekly schedule. Just be sure you to include all of the muscle areas (Push, Pull, Legs, Shoulders, Core) each week to maximize results and decrease the risk of muscle imbalances.


45 Fabulous recipes to help you stay strong & nourished on your Fab 15 program.