1:1 coaching


Together we’ll create a personalized nutrition, movement & overall wellness plan that supports your unique needs, goals & lifestyle. We’ll spend time assessing where you are currently & then create a specific plan that helps you start taking meaningful action that is doable & sustainable.


We’ll examine the belief patterns that are keeping you stuck and create a plan to help you start taking simple yet powerful steps in the direction of your goals. When you are moving toward your goals from a baseline of excitement, fun & joy, it makes taking the necessary actions so much easier so that the results come so much faster.


We will go beyond the typical diet & exercise approach and look at how we can integrate supportive habits & mindsets to help you be successful. My coaching method includes a mix of mindset, science, education, intuition, behavior change psychology & good old common sense.

How you’ll feel

Calmer, Clearer & more Confident in your relationship with food, movement & your body.

Who is Coaching For?

Anyone who feels stuck when it comes to your personal health & wellness.

I talk with so many people who feel overwhelmed, frustrated, desperate & even hopeless when it comes to their health & wellness. They do not feel in control of their relationship with food & do not feel comfortable in their own skin. They want to feel better & eat better & improve their health but the idea of going on another restrictive diet or time-consuming weight loss plan completely zaps them of their joy. These negative emotions bleed over into other areas of their life & affect their ability to show up fully in the way that they want to.

My goal is to help you move towards a calmer, healthier & more peaceful relationship with food, fitness & your body.

I know, from personal experience & from working with clients for almost 20 years, that it is possible to feel your best, have a healthy relationship with food, AND actually enjoy your life. In fact, I know that enJOYment has to be a part of the process or it simply won’t work. You don’t have to change who you are or give up the things you love in order to feel better. In fact, I want you to even more deeply embrace who you are and use that power to find your healthiest path.

That’s why I call my coaching program Joyful Transformation. It’s not just about transforming your body or your eating habits or your workouts. It’s about going deeper and transforming your mindset and your beliefs about what is possible for you. It’s about guiding you back to your own inner wisdom & tapping into a place that makes the transformation fun, simple & joyous.


What You’ll Get

  • Weekly 60 minute 1:1 virtual sessions (can be done from anywhere!)

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment

  • Personalized nutrition, intuitive eating & movement plan to help you reach your goals

  • Unlimited guidance & support via email & text

  • Helpful tools, tips & resources for navigating your unique obstacles

How can coaching help?

One of the main goals of coaching is to teach you how to get unstuck and start feeling better right away. 

As mentioned above, if you are seeking coaching you are probably stuck in some painful emotions like overwhelm, frustration, shame, desperation & hopelessness. It’s very hard to make any sort of meaningful change when these are the dominating emotions (trust me, I know this from experience!). 

What we all really want is to FEEL better. We believe that we will feel better as soon as the outcomes change (ex: finally lose the weight or eat “perfectly”) but this belief gives away all our power and keeps us stuck in a vicious and painful cycle. We try harder only to rebound into failure and the belief that our desires are not possible only deepens. 

When your emotional energy shifts you are often able to see solutions that you couldn’t before.

As you get more clear about what you really want you will feel motivated to move in the direction of your true desires.

As you experience a greater sense of calm you will notice that the resistance releases & the path becomes clearer

coaching will help you create a simple, doable action plan that gets you moving toward your goals.

One of the main things that keeps us stuck is overwhelm. We feel unsure of what to do or how to proceed or which path is the “right” one”. You may start, only to stop because you feel unsure if you are doing it correctly.

However, when you have a clear-cut plan that you feel confident in, taking action becomes so much easier.

I will teach you a super simple but effective system that provides structure while also being flexible. You’ll learn a lot about nutrition, exercise & self-care while also learning how to listen to your body & trust your intuition.

Together we will create a personalized plan that works with your lifestyle, your preference & your goals.

coaching should empower you & guide you back to your own inner wisdom.

Coaching is about creating a safe & judgment-free container for you to come, exactly as you are, with all your bumps & bruises & scars, with all your past “failures” and fears, and find a non-judgmental space where you can express your feelings, explore new ideas & be your truest self. This alone is incredibly powerful and has the potential to elicit great change. 

Coaching is not about me trying to fix you or telling you what you should do. Instead, coaching is about guiding. I believe that you have an inner wisdom inside of you that already knows the answers, my job is to help guide you back to yourself and to that source of wisdom. 

This doesn’t mean I won’t teach you as we go. I will certainly give you lots of support, advice, and information (& even some tough love when necessary) to help you on this journey. But ultimately this is YOUR journey and I want you to feel empowered to make the twists and turns that feel right for you. Either way, I’ll be with you each step of the way.


What You’ll Learn

Joyful Eating

Reject the Diet Mentality & Challenge the Food Police

Finding Neutral

Honor Your Hunger & Feel Your Fullness


Make Peace With Food

Break Free

Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness


Gentle Nutrition & The Balance, Nourish, Satisfy Method

Respect & Care

Joyful Movement & Respect Your Body


Schedule a free consultation to see if Personal Coaching is right for you: